The spot price or spot rate of a commodity, a security or a currency is the price that is quoted for immediate (spot) settlement (payment and delivery). Spot settlement is normally one or two business days from trade date. This is in contrast with the forward price established in a forward contract or futures contract, where contract terms (price) are set now, but delivery and payment will occur at a future date. The Russian Trading System is a stock market established in 1995 in Moscow, consolidating various regional trading floors into one exchange. Originally RTS was modelled The RTS Stock Exchange calculates and publishes 9 indexes: RTS Index, RTS-2 Index, and 7 sectoral indexes. The RTS Index and the RTS-2 Index are calculated using two different lists of stocks.The RTS Index (RTSI) is an index of 50 Russian stocks (as of March 15th, 2007) that trade on the RTS Stock Exchange in Moscow. The list of stocks is reviewed every 3 months by the RTS Information Committee.RTS also computes and publishes the RTS-2 Index and 5 sectoral indexes.Spot rates are estimated via the bootstrapping method, which uses prices of the securities currently trading in market, that is, from the cash or coupon curve. The result is the spot curve, which exists for each of the various classes of securities.
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